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Homelab i Hardware

Wszystko co związane z budową własnego homelabu - od przygotowania pomieszczenia po uruchomienie i zarządzanie.
Chassis and Enclosures
A place to discuss different chassis and enclosure options for servers and network devices.

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Działy podrzędneNetwork Security

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Oprogramowanie które instalujemy na bare metal.

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Operating Systems

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Opisy działów za Awesome Selfhosted.
Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data.

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Blogging Platforms
A blog is a discussion or informational website consisting of discrete, diary-style text entries (posts).

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Bookmarks and Link Sharing
Software which allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.

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Calendar & Contacts
CalDAV and CardDAV protocol servers and web clients/interfaces for Electronic calendar, address book and contact management.

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Whole set of communication ways.

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Content Management Systems (CMS)
Content Management Systems offer a practical way to setup a website with many features, using third party plugins, themes and functionality that are easy to add and customize.

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Database Management
Web interfaces for database management. Includes tools for database analytics and visualization.

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DNS servers and management tools with advertisement blocking functionality, primarily aimed at home or small networks.

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Document Management
A document management system (DMS) is a system used to receive, track, manage and store documents and reduce paper.

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Ostatnia wiadomość: Mar 11, 2025, 09:55 AM Seafile - daje radę? przez Admiral Awesome

E-commerce software.

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Feed Readers (RSS)
A news aggregator, also termed a feed aggregator, feed reader, news reader, RSS reader, is an application that aggregates web content such as newspapers/blogs/vlogs/podcasts in one location for easy viewing.

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File Transfer & Synchronization
File transfer, sharing and synchronization software software.

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Multiplayer game servers and browser games.

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Collaborative software or groupware is designed to help people working on a common task to attain their goals. Groupware often regroups multiple services such as file sharing, calendar/events management, address books... in a single, integrated application.

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Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things describes physical objects with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices over the Internet.

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Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)
Maps, cartography, GIS and GPS software.

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Media Streaming
Streaming media is multimedia that is delivered and consumed in a continuous manner from a source, with little or no intermediate storage in network elements.

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Software that does not fit in another section.

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Money, Budgeting & Management
Money management and budgeting software.

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Software for monitoring systems, networks, applications and websites.

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Note-taking & Editors
Note taking editors.

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Ostatnia wiadomość: Mar 10, 2025, 11:58 AM Joplin Users Master Race... przez Admiral Awesome

Office Suites
An office suite is a collection of productivity software usually containing at least a word processor, spreadsheet and a presentation program.

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Password Managers
A password manager allows users to store, generate, and manage their passwords for local applications and online services.

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A pastebin is a type of online content-hosting service used for sharing and storing code and text.

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Personal Dashboards
Dashboards for accessing information and applications.

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Photo Galleries
A gallery is software that helps the user publish or share photos, pictures, videos or other digital media.

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Polls and Events
Software for organising polls and events.

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A proxy is a server application that acts as an intermediary between a client requesting a resource and the server providing that resource. This section about forward (i.e. outgoing) proxies. For reverse proxies, see the Web Server section.

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Remote Access
Remote desktop and SSH servers and web interfaces for remote management of computer systems.

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Search Engines
A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system. This includes Web search engines.

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Self-hosting Solutions
Software for easy installation, management and configuration of self-hosted services and applications.

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Software Development
Software development is the process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components.

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Static Site Generators
Static site generators generate full static HTML websites based on raw data, plain text files and a set of templates.

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Status / Uptime pages
Uptime is a measure of system reliability, expressed as the percentage of time a machine, typically a computer, has been working and available.

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Task Management & To-do Lists
Task management software.

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Helpdesk, bug and issue tracking software to help the tracking of user requests, bugs and missing features.

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Time Tracking
Time-tracking software is a category of computer software that allows its users to record time spent on tasks or projects.

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URL Shorteners
URL shortening is the action of shortening a URL to make it substantially shorter and still direct to the required page.

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Video Surveillance
Video surveillance, also known as Closed-circuit television (CCTV), is the use of video cameras for surveillance in areas that require additional security or ongoing monitoring.

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A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network.

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Ostatnia wiadomość: Lut 25, 2025, 03:40 PM Z jakiego VPNa korzystas... przez Admiral Awesome

Web Servers
Web Servers and Reverse Proxies. A web server is a piece of software and underlying hardware that accepts requests via HTTP (the network protocol created to distribute web content) or its secure variant HTTPS. A Reverse Proxy is a proxy server that appears to any client to be an ordinary web server, but in reality merely acts as an intermediary that forwards requests to one or more ordinary web servers.

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A wiki is a publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience directly using a web browser.

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Dyskusje ogólne

Wolne rozmowy
Wszystko, co nie zmieściło się w pozostałych kategoriach.

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3 Wiadomości 3 Wątków 1 Użytkowników - Najnowszy użytkownik: Admiral Awesome
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